This blog will be a special collection of all the important moments in my life.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Starting my collection

It's weird.. I'm not even close to buying a new house, yet somehow I realised that I'm beginning to stock up stuff that can and will be potentially move to my new abbot in July next yr.

1) WMF Pots - my dad bought 3 of them for me last week at a Tangs sale. Small soup pots.. good for any use

2) Coffee Machine - this one is actually the old one (about 6 mths) in my house that has just been replaced with a more efficient one because of high usage (haha)

3) Carpet!! - bought this one from china on my recent trip. bought 2 actually, different size and of a different themes.. here's 1 of them. I think capets are a great way to brighten up the place and make a normal coffee table on normal parquet floor look more elegant.

4) Pillows - this sounds weird but yeah, we both bought pillows at a recent metro closing down sale where almost everything was going for half price!!

Well, I think I should stop for now. Need to find a roof over my head first. Latest news for flats is that owners are asking for $100k top-up over the valuation price. The usual is around $30k top up. Now it's $100k?! So for a flat that's valued $350k, total cost is $450k. That's just crazy to me. Seems like the tide is not moving in my direction. Sobs.

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