This blog will be a special collection of all the important moments in my life.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Sore Throat

Darts.. just when I'm preparing to go to China next week for my very first mission trip.. sore throat is creeping up. Can't remember when was the last time I had a sore throat.. probably a year back or so.. and it has to come now?!?! What bad timing. Not that I ate terribly heaty food over the weekend as far as I remember... oh gosh, I hate sore throats. Praying real hard that I'll get well before the weekend. Don't wanna fall ill when I go to China!!! Sulk.
It helps that my company is kinda flexible and I told my boss that I wanna work from home tomorrow. Brought lots of stuff back.. got to clear all the workload before I go on leave... sigh.. shall not think about work now. Time to rest and drink my next cup of water..

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